Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day 38

So yesterday I started making smoothies.  The first batch was a little runny, but I think I fixed that this morning.  Here’s the recipe I did up, makes two servings, 146 calories:

1/2 cup each:
12oz light yogurt
1 cup juice (I used the Ocean Spray Diet Blueberry for 5 calories a cup)

Blend and pour.

It was kind of neat yesterday.  Matt was getting ready, and he asked me to check that he got his sideburns even.  So I go to even them out for him, and he places his hands on my hips.  Just something he’s always done.  Only this time he said “Woh,” pulled back and looked down, like he was checking to see that he had grabbed the right spot.  It made me smile.

I spent much of yesterday adding pictures to my little how I got here page.  It was rather depressing, actually seeing the way my weight has gone up and down.  I’ve never laid the pictures out and looked at them like that.  I mean, I’d look and say, “Oh look how skinny I used to be,” but I never really put it together.

My interview yesterday never happened.  I got an email from the guy later in the day (it was sent out four minutes after the interview was supposed to start) that he had a scheduling conflict.  But he said he’s “very much so interested” in speaking with me, so that’s good, right?

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