Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 35

So I finished day 1, week 2 of my C25K training today.  Yay me.  I forgot my braces, though, and my knee started bugging me a bit towards the end.  So Thursday I must remember the braces.

I noticed my stretches are getting easier today.  Hopefully that means I’ll start to build longer muscles instead of bulkier ones.  I want my thighs to be long and lean, not the size of Paris Hilton’s waist.  *sigh*

So, I’ve been thinking about how I want to change not just my body, but my life during this whole thing.  I started with rearranging the rooms.  I’ve been complaining for years that I don’t like the way things are laid out.  But did I ever do anything to change it?  Nope.  Now I have, and I’m much happier.  There are other things I want to change too that I’d like to work on.

I want to get back to school.  I had to drop out of college four years ago when my mum refused to provide me with her FAFSA information, leaving me without funding.  Since then I’ve tried to get back into school three times, but have never been able to get enough funding.  Then last year I realized I’ve no idea what the hell I want to do with my life.  Ideally, I’d love to write, but that’s like saying, “Oh, I want to be an actress.”  And while I have noticed that my writing gets better with every English class I take, it doesn’t make sense for me to spend thousands of dollars on an education that I’m not sure I’m going to be able to use.  But last night I came up with a solution.  Starting in the fall, I’m going to start auditing classes.  I’ll pick a wide variety, sit in on them, take the tests, do the homework, etc, so I can see what interests me most.  And I won’t have to pay for it.  True, I’d just have to take the classes over again when I decide what I want to go for, but this just seems to make the most sense to me.

Another thing I’d like to work on is lending some balance to my life.  I’ve always been the type of person that I give everything I have to whatever holds my focus at the time, and everything else suffers.  That’s what’s going on right now; my life is circling around getting fit.  I need to learn how to balance things out, because until I do, I still won’t be healthy.  I’m just a little nervous to start introducing things in right at the moment.  A part of me is worried that I won’t be able to divide my focus, and it will be my health that suffers.  So I’ll wait until I try to work something else in.

1 comment:

  1. Go for the writing... I am a writer. I never thought I would be and now I am... I am only 27 so it's not like i had 30 years of life exprience to guide me. I just did it. Let me know if you need any help.

    Ps - Yoga (hot or cold) will help with balance... I promise.
