Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 26

Weight: 162
BFP: 38.7%

So I’ve lost 2 pounds and .1% of my body fat this past week.  That’s not so bad.

Last night was…difficult for me.  The tacos were great, but I had no idea how filling they were going to be.  Matt and I each ate two, when one was more than enough.  I should have listened to my first instinct and just stuck with one.  I don’t think there was anything wrong with the tacos themselves, because Matt was fine.  So I don’t know if it was just that they reacted badly with me, or that I ate too much, or what, but I got so sick.  I tried laying still, walking around, chewing mint gum, drinking mint tea, I tried everything I could think of, and still I felt like I was going to throw up.  Around the second hour of this I started to worry about food poisoning.  Yes, 
Matt was just fine, but I’ve always been more sensitive to these things.  I wasn’t exactly sure what was wrong, I only knew that I seriously thought I was going to be very sick.  So I did something I promised myself years ago I would never do again.  I made myself sick.  I brought up about half the meal, and that was enough to make me feel better.  But at the same time, I felt terrible.  The entire time I kept asking myself why the hell I used to do this voluntarily every day, a few times a day.  And while, yes, there was a tiny voice in the back of my head that kept saying, “Well, you’ve done it now, might as well finish the job,” mostly I kept thinking, “Please, for the love of god, let this be the time to bring up whatever’s making me sick so I can stop.”

I don’t know if this means I’ve relapsed or not.  On the one hand, I was sick.  I suffered for hours before I used purging as a last resort.  And I left much of the meal on my stomach, something I would have never done before.  There also wasn’t that sick satisfaction I used to get at the end, the, “That’s right, I did this,” feeling.  I’d completely forgotten about that until last night.  I used to be so pleased every time I threw up and didn’t get caught, so proud of myself, like I was doing something wonderful.  Last night I just felt dirty.  I still get that feeling of pride, though now it’s when I complete a work out, or eat something healthy.

In favor of relapse, however, there’s the fact that I did go into that bathroom and bring up what I had eaten.  I keep telling myself, yeah, I was sick, but was it because I ate too much?  If it is, then this is all my doing, and I just resorted to old habits to fix it.

But it’s not like I was all, “Oh, I ate too much, I’m going to gain weight.  I must fix this.”  I was under budget yesterday.  I ate too much, yes, but I didn’t bring up my meal because of that, I did it because I felt very sick and I was miserable.  I even tried going to sleep, hoping I’d digest while unconscious.  Didn’t work.

I feel like I’m trying to rationalize my actions to myself.  Maybe I am.  I just wish I could go back and change yesterday, only make a taco each for Matt and I, then put the rest away for later.  But you can’t change the past, only live with the consequences.

I feel like crap today.  I didn’t have the energy to complete my work out, so I basically dragged myself through it.  I don’t know if it’s because I didn’t have my full dinner on my stomach last night, or if it was from my lack of sleep.  I was up late last night thinking about what I’d done and what that meant for my recovery.  I guess I just have to pick myself up and move on.

1 comment:

  1. I think you're beating yourself up over nothing. We all have those moments of weakness. I wouldn't call this a relapse - just physical sickness. Many people attempt to make themselves sick in order to get rid of the "sick" feeling. As long as your mentality wasn't, "I need to do this or I'll weigh too much tomorrow," then I think you have nothing to worry about.

    You're a hard worker, and you really seem to hate that old habit. i believe that you can do anything you want to. You're very passionate about it. Don't let it ruin your day, or your week. You did wonderfully this week, and it was all without "cheating" or getting back into old habits. Just try not to let it overpower you.
