Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 30

Wow.  Thirty days.  I think this is about the point last time that I discovered Twilight and fell off the wagon as I was too busy reading and rereading to take the time to exercise.  So here’s to another thirty days.

My thighs are so tight right now.  I haven’t been spending enough time stretching, I guess.  I’ll try doubling the time, see if that helps.  I’ve been lunging around the house since getting back from my walk this morning.  It’s the muscle on the top of my thighs, specifically my left thigh, that’s being difficult.  I tried downloading a stretching app, but the way it has you stretching puts much of your weight right on the knee, with the foot lifted off the ground.  It hurts way too much for me to do.  So I Googled stretching, and have been doing those.  Sheesh, I wish I had a trainer.  It would make my life so much easier.

I’m going to be moving around the living room today.  Which should prove fun, as it’s the room with the largest furniture.  I just hope I don’t hurt Matt’s stereo.  He would be very upset about that.  After I’m done with the living room, I’m going to start with that quiche.  I have some ideas about what I’m going to do, I just hope they work.  Fingers crossed!

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