Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 76

Yesterday was great.  I got to really sit and talk with my grandfather, something I haven’t done in years, and I got to see my dad and grandmother again.  My grandfather took my dad, my step-mom, my step-grandmother, and myself out to dinner at Red Lobster, which apparently isn’t a bad place to eat.  Everything on the menu was in Lose It!, so it made ordering easy (though I was teased some).  I had shrimp scampi with steamed broccoli instead of a potato (with a lemon wedge to season instead of butter or salt), the garden salad (again with lemon wedges instead of dressing), and two Cheddar Bay Biscuits, all for 650.  And I got to clear my plates!  Which was good, because I was famished.  Originally I only planned to have one biscuit, but my dad offered me a second, and they were so yummy.  All that and I still finished my day under calorie, even before my exercise. 

However, I hit a snag late last night.  I had this strange dream that I was eating an ice cream sandwich last night.  Sure enough, I woke up this morning and checked, and there’s one less in the package.  Sleep eating is something I’ve done for years, right along with sleep walking.  Sure, the ice cream sandwich I ate last night was only 160, and we don’t have much by the way of crap in the house any more, but what if I had eaten more?  Or what if I hadn’t remembered the dream?  I’d try baby proofing the fridge, but I’m sure I could get through that in my sleep.  When I was in college, I frequently left the room while sleep walking, went to stand in the bathroom or the common room until someone walked by and told me to go back to bed, then went back to my room, unlocking the door to get out and relocking it when I got back in.  Mind you, my bed was lofted, so I had to find the ladder as well.  The stories my roommate would tell me.

I’m trying to decide what to do tomorrow.  A part of me wants to stay in calorie, add everything in, and go through yesterday like I would any other day.  But another part wants to just not care about dinner, since it’s my birthday and it only comes once a year.  I think I’ll split the difference, order what I want, track it in Lose It!, and not go out of control, but not freak if I go a little over calorie.  I’ll just work out really hard on Thursday.

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